Month 8 update!

Just a brief post, but I couldn’t skip my monthly progress check in. Life is busy since we just moved from DC to Raleigh. Things are going well and the fridge is finally stocked again with high protein, mostly clean food. I’ve been keeping up with my butt and ab challenge from my last post (today is day #21), but not a whole lot of other exercise happening at the moment. Honestly, I’m just glad that I did not gain anything over the past month. The loss of my aunt has been very difficult and still is. It’s amazing to me how quickly and easily my brain still tells me that certainly pizza or macaroni & cheese will make everything better. Overall my appetite has been pretty low and I’ve not been meeting my protein goal consistently. I think that is making my hair continue to fall out. So I’m doing my best to get back on track.

Major NSV this month: Not only did I cross my 80 pound loss, but my daily high blood pressure prescription has been reduced to 50% of my previous dosage! That’s what I did this for–my health. It is working. I am using the tools I gained from surgery to meet my goals. My weight loss is slow at this point, but it’s still slugging along and I’ll take it. My wedding in March is a great motivator to keep recommitting to better food choices and more exercise every single time I stray. I have a long way to go to reach my personal goal of 160. (My surgeon’s office does not set one because they don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t achieve success.) My next big milestones are ONEderland in 7.6 pounds (holy cow, I’m so close!!!) and my 100 pound loss in 18.8 pounds.

I’ve been reading about many of your stories and journeys as well and your struggles and successes always resonate with me–sorry I’ve been silent, but I’m listening and sending positive vibes to each of you!

Heaviest weight: 288.8
November 23, 2015: 276.2 (end of pre-op liquid diet/day of surgery)
December 2015: 256.8 (-19.4 in month 1)
January 2016: 248.9 (-16.7 in month 2)
February 2016: 240.1 (-8.8 in month 3)
March 2016: 232.1 (-8 in month 4)
April 2016: 226.0 (-8.1 in month 5)
May 2016: 218.5 (-7.5 in month 6)
June 2016: 210.5 (-8 in month 7)
July 2016: 207.5 (-3 in month 8)
Total lost: 81.3 pounds

5 thoughts on “Month 8 update!

  1. That back picture???!! You look frigging fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆 Completely different person. I’d print that out and tape it to the mirror, lol. Glad to hear the move went well and things are starting to settle down for you guys. 🙂


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