Month 7 Update!

Hello fellow bariatric surgery champs and readers! I’m squeezing this post in before I dash off on work travel for the next week. Don’t worry–protein shakes are already packed. 🙂

I’m thrilled to report that I continued to lose steadily this month. Even though I often *feel* plateaued and like I’m going nowhere, actually looking at my monthly losses reminds me that I’m doing what I should be. I’ve been trying to amp up my exercise again to help keep it coming off. My pictures this month are the first time that I’m wearing new clothes that are in a size that fits my body snuggly (as opposed to my old, too stretchy gear).

Heaviest weight: 288.8
November 23, 2015: 276.2 (end of pre-op liquid diet/day of surgery)
December 2015: 256.8 (-19.4 in month 1)
January 2016: 248.9 (-16.7 in month 2)
February 2016: 240.1 (-8.8 in month 3)
March 2016: 232.1 (-8 in month 4)
April 2016: 226.0 (-8.1 in month 5)
May 2016: 218.5 (-7.5 in month 6)
June 2016: 210.5 (-8 in month 7)
Total lost: 78.3 pounds and 40.0 inches 

Went for a good run on Sunday. I am using a waist belt instead of an arm band to hold my phone and use RunKeeper while on my runs so I can’t see it while I’m running. I have it set up so that I tells me my progress every 5 minutes, but I just made up a route and kept running. Didn’t know until I got back and stopped the tracker that I had gone over 2 miles! It’s surreal that that distance feels “normal” to me already. I noticed the other day that I don’t get out of breath going up a set of stairs, even though it’s 85+ degrees outside right now! My fitness level feels like it’s really progressing well.

What’s getting tougher is remaining strict about my diet. I am on the side of the fence where you can indulge on occasion as long as it is mindful and in moderation. But it is true that once you have some, something in your brain (or at least mine) makes me feel like I should have more or eat all of it, even if I feel full. It’s a balancing act and I do try to focus on protein and whole foods for the most part. I faithfully take my vitamins, though I recently changed my schedule because my multivitamin made me sick just about every morning since I was taking it before I had a chance to eat. So now I take my calcium citrate at 8a and 2p, then take my multivitamin around 8p. Since your body can only absorb so much of this at a time, that’s why these ones need to be spaced out. I take all the rest in the morning (B12, B50, high blood pressure med, and nexium every other day).

Here’s to doing my best for another month in the midst of work travel and moving to a new state! I know what I need to do and I will stay disciplined so that I can hopefully resign from the 200 club by my birthday in mid-August. Plus my 80 pound reward is a massage–aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. Have a great week, drink an extra glass of water, and do an extra set of squats during commercials if you’re watching tv!

Work work work work.

After getting a little lax about working out, I am back on track and kicking butt–my own to be exact! Friday and Saturday I had back-to-back 15,000+ step days that included hiking, my crazy dance class, walking around the baseball stadium in sweaty heat, and running a 5K. Like, I’m serious again. It felt great. I was certainly exhausted on Sunday, but I logged almost 11,000 steps today. Finally, I rolled over the 75 pound loss mark! I haven’t been on for a while, so here’s a quick update on life happenings.

In my department there are many seasonal employees. They’re full-time and have worked at the organization for many years, but only work 6-8 months out of the year. Many of them returned in the last 2 weeks and 4 different people have walked past my desk and turned around to tell me that they didn’t recognize me. They’ve all complimented me and encouraging me to keep up whatever I’m doing. It felt really nice to know that the changes are really noticeable.

Our move from DC to Raleigh is rapidly approaching, just one month to go! So one of our bucket list items was to get to the Delaware Beaches. They’re my favorite and fiance had never been. We had a wonderful, relaxing weekend. Although we skipped running, we did walk on the beach and I was on a 30 day butt lift challenge (still going strong) and he did 200+ push ups each day. Fitness on the go. I also packed protein shakes and drank them on the beach. Certainly indulged in a few things, but didn’t go overboard. I feel pretty good. Also got a new swimsuit! On a sunset walk, I even wore a SKIRT with HORIZONTAL STRIPES on purpose IN PUBLIC. As an obese person, I never thought those phrases would ever be put together by me.

I’ve really been cooking up a storm lately. Seeking variety and flavor, but still trying to meet my macros and eat as clean and lean as possible. I feel like I’m enjoying food again, but in a much healthier way. I love feeling inspired to cook again. I am fortunate to not have any real issues with any foods. The only exception is eggs. And that’s odd because I never had a problem with them before or even right after surgery in the mushy phase. But we are NOT friends anymore. Below is balsamic chicken with tomatoes on top of shredded brussel sprouts tossed with honey, bacon, golden raisins, and shallots. Super yummy–totally ripped off the brussels from a restaurant at the beach and they tasted almost exactly the same!

Tonight we made pork chops with a guava sweet chili sauce over the Bird’s Eye Hawaiian protein blend with pineapple and edamame. You might not be able to tell, but my portion in the back is about a quarter of the “regular” one in the front.

Here I am all dressed up pre-race. It was a nighttime glow run set to EDM–including selfie stations and spots to stop and dance. So fun! A totally great way to get back in to running. It was untimed, but I did intervals and wasn’t exhausted when I finished in about 38 minutes. I credit that to the adrenaline of a big, fun event like this for running faster than most of my training. I ran for my aunt who continues to battle cancer. It feels so good to be back out there. I’m hoping to find another fun race in Raleigh to keep myself motivated to continue training. I also want to push myself and perhaps sign up for a 5 miler later this year. Building distance and speed really gradually has worked great for me so far. No issues with my heel spurs or back, which is just amazing. Definitely need to add in some more core work to help with my posture and strength. One thing at a time and just a little at a time 🙂

Someone shared this on Facebook a week or so ago and I remember just sitting there shaking my head. The mental challenges and behavioral “retraining” that this journey requires is not easy. And I would argue that it’s nearly impossible if you do not learn to treat yourself with compassion and recognize the new version of you that comes out when all that extra weight begins to melt off. The parts of you that you hid under baggy, shapeless clothes or in the funny fat person persona for your social circle or in the fast food bag you stuffed in the back of car after you felt ashamed for eating it. I feel like I’ve made so much progress in the last month with balancing control, discipline, rewards, and compassion. It feels good. It feels free. I am regaining confidence. The next time you get frustrated with the scale for not moving or you begin to feel ashamed/disappointed in yourself for making a less healthy choice, take a deep breath and refocus your energy on what you’re going to do next. You can do it!